Below the various steps to update Arfooo Directory From version 1.0.4 to version 1.0.5 1) Make a backup of your database 2) Upload file templates/arfooo/front/404.tpl found in version 1.0.5 on your ftp 3) Delete the entire folder containing the files Arfooo Directory EXCEPT: - the file config/db.php - the folder upload/ - the file .htaccess - the folder templates/ We will proceed to change line by line. These changes will take about 5 minutes # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/includes/pageNavigation.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {if !empty($pageNavigation.totalPages)} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {if !empty($pageNavigation.totalPages) && $pageNavigation.totalPages > 1} # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/keyword/show.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {include file="includes/header.tpl" title="{'Keywords'|lang} - "|cat:$letter} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {include file="includes/header.tpl" title="{'Keywords'|lang} - "|cat:$letter metaDescription="{'Directory of words starting with '|lang}"|cat:$letter} # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/site/details.tpl # #----[ FIND AND DELETE ]------------------------------------------ # {if $site.rssFeedOfSite != '' && $site.rssTitle != ''}
{'RSS Flux'|lang}
{'Title of the flux'|lang} : {$site.rssTitle}
{/if} {displayAd place="underInformationFluxRss"} # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {'Rate this site'|lang} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {'Rate this site'|lang} # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {'Write a comment'|lang} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {'Write a comment'|lang} # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {'Report a problem'|lang} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {'Report a problem'|lang} # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {if !empty($randomSites)}

{'Thematic close to'|lang} {$site.siteTitle}

# #----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # {if $site.rssFeedOfSite != '' && $site.rssTitle != ''}

{'RSS Flux'|lang} {$site.siteTitle}: {$site.rssTitle}

{if !empty($remoteRss)} {foreach from=$remoteRss.items value=item} {$item.title|truncate:$setting.numberOfCharactersForRssParsing}

{/foreach} {/if}
{/if} {displayAd place="underInformationFluxRss"} {if $setting.companyInfoEnabled && $site.address != ''}

{'Company information'|lang}: {$site.siteTitle}

{if $site.address != ''} {/if} {if $site.zipCode != ''} {/if} {if $ != ''} {/if} {if $ != ''} {/if} {if $site.phoneNumber != ''} {/if} {if $site.faxNumber != ''} {/if}
{'Adress'|lang}: {$site.address}
{'ZIP Code'|lang}: {$site.zipCode}
{'City'|lang}: {$}
{'Country'|lang}: {$}
{'Phone number'|lang}: {$site.phoneNumber}
{'Fax number'|lang}: {$site.faxNumber}
{if !empty($googleMap)}
{/if} # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/site/item.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {$site.description|highlight:$display.highlightKeywords|nl2br} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {$site.description|truncate:$setting.numberOfCharactersForItemDescription|highlight:$display.highlightKeywords|nl2br} # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {$site.description|nl2br} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {$site.description|truncate:$setting.numberOfCharactersForItemDescription|nl2br} # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/webmaster/submit1.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {'Directory'|lang} > {'Submit your site'|lang} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {'Directory'|lang} > {'Submit your site'|lang} 4) For files : - templates/arfooo/webmaster/submit2.tpl and - templates/arfooo/webmaster/submitWebsite.tpl Replace these old files by new file arfooo directory 1.0.5 5) Upload on you FTP files and folder version 1.0.5 EXCEPT those that have kept you on your FTP. Therefore, simply delete the files/folders that I'll mention below content in the new version 1.0.5 you just download: DELETE : - the file config/db.php - the folder upload/ - the file .htaccess - the folder templates EXCEPT files you just change. Uploader now the entire contents of the folder Arfooo Directory 1.0.5 Once uploaded files, go to the following url: 6) !!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!! 7) Read the instructions if you could lose data, it is necessary to safeguard your database. 8) ONLY 1 Click on the button "Update Now!" 9) Go to your directory in the part of visitors, not in admin parts, and see if strange characters appear. 10) IF THE CHARACTERS ARE STRANGE AND ONLY IF THE CHARACTERS ARE STRANGE, ITSELF 1 click on the file "fixdb.php" 11) Delete the folder "install /" If you encounter other problems a forum is at your disposal: